Did you know that Presidents Day is not on the same date every year? What was formerly celebrated on February 22nd, George Washington’s birthday, every year was changed to be celebrated on the third Monday of every February due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill in 1968 which moved various federal holidays to Mondays. Who doesn’t love a three day weekend?
Another fact to note is that the holiday is often incorrectly spelled with an apostrophe before the “s” in the word “Presidents”. It is an extremely common mistake that a lot of people don’t know about. It does not seem incorrect and you will commonly see both versions. The reason there is no apostrophe is because the holiday does not honor only one president but multiple. A reason for this confusion likely comes from the fact that the holiday is often seen as a day to celebrate just our first president’s birthday. That being said, the plural possessive form of the word (Presidents’) should actually be used, however “Presidents” with no apostrophe is a popular and well-accepted alternative.
These fun facts about Presidents Day are certainly enjoyable, and so is having a long weekend and wonderful reason to celebrate in the nation’s capital. Presidents Day is a day to celebrate the leaders of our country, and there are multiple beautiful monuments and memorials honoring them in DC. Presidents Day weekend is the perfect time to go sightseeing in the heart of the city. Here are some sites we recommend you see this Presidents Day.